We are a what's on listing and independent guide, not affiliated with Live Nation or The Depot. Tickets linked to are guaranteed genuine resale tickets and are recommendations. View information and get tickets to all upcoming events at the The Depot Concerts. Please read the disclaimer page.

When music lovers in and around the Salt Lake City area look for thrilling entertainment, they need look no further than The Depot. This venue holds concerts and live performances all year round that bring over 1,000 fans for nearly every show. Persons of all ages come out to cheer for their favorite local, notional, and international music stars that grace their stage with the very best performances around. And there’s more excitement to be had in the future!

Tickets start selling out as soon as they go on sale. And that’s why we want to help. When you book tickets through this website, we’ll make sure that you can get in the front doors on opening night with authentic tickets at a reasonable price. Best of all, we also provide you with all the information you need in one convenient place. That means venue rules, parking information, and even the best hotels to stay in for a weekend in Salt Lake City! We do it all.

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  • Mask's Hardcore Heartbreakers

  • Black Jacket Symphony: The Beatles Abbey Road

  • The Discographers - Dark Side of Oz

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